Georgia Sinks in State-by-State Health Care Rankings by Andy Miller. Georgia Health News. April 30, 2014.
Deal's Signature All But Kills Medicaid Expansion by Misty Williams. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. April 29, 2014. The is available online only by subscription. Available in the physical newspaper.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
New Concept Of Diabetes Needed To Confront Worldwide Epidemic
The Global Diabetes Epidemic by Kasia Lipska. Sunday Review. The New York Times. April 25, 2014.
Health Benefits Of Chocolate Are Numerous, Tied To Complex Process Required To Digest It
Why Chocolate Is Good For Us by Gretchen Reynolds. Well Blog. New York Times. April 24, 2014.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Illness Crystalizes a Romance Only To Dissolve
My Illness, The Third Partner In Our Relationship by Eric Trump. Modern Love in Fashion And Style. April 24, 2014.
Political Hostility To Healthcare Law Prevents Many Of The Most Needy States To Benefit
In Poorest States, Political Stigma Is Depressing Participation In Health Law by Jackie Calmes. The New York Times. April 26, 2014.
West Virginia is profiled. The article reports that some resident believed that computer chips will be implanted in them if they enroll for coverage.
West Virginia is profiled. The article reports that some resident believed that computer chips will be implanted in them if they enroll for coverage.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Traumatic Brain Injuries Perhaps Related To Homelessness: Study
Almost Half Of Homeless Men Had A Previous Brain Injury by Bryan Walsh. Time. April 26, 2014.
Medical School And The Actual Nitty-Gritty Practice Of Medicine: Bridging The Gap
Are Med School Grads Prepared To Practice Medicine by Pauline W. Chen, M.D. Well Blog. April 24, 2014.
Minority Women Often Face Unique Challenges Dealing With Fertility Issues
Infertility, Endured Through A Prism Of Race by Tanzina Vega. The New York Times. April 25, 2014.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Except For Expansion Of Medicaid, Georgia Officials Considers Alternatives To Address Rural Health
Rural Health Care Surging As A Major Issue by Andy Miller. Georgia Health News. April 25, 2014.
Rise In Medical Debts Leads Physicians To New Approaches; Faster Referrals To Collections; Payments In Advance
With Medical Debts Rising, Doctors Are More Aggressive About Payments by Jenny Gold. Kaiser Health News. April 25, 2014.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
A Software Upgrade For Hearing; New Device Aids Move From Merely Restoring Loss Toward Surpassing Ordinary Human Abilities
Conjuring Images Of A Bionic Future by Farhad Manjoo. The New York Times. April 23, 2014.
Using Cochlear Implant To Deliver Gene Therapy And Regrow Auditory Nerves; Other Neurological Disorders Possible Targets For Newly-Developed Therapy
Hearing quality Restored With Bionic Ear Technology Used For Gene Therapy; Re-growing Auditory Nerves. Science Daily. April 23, 2014.
Parkinson's and depression are also possible targets for new therapy.
Parkinson's and depression are also possible targets for new therapy.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Cost To States Of Medicaid Expansion Now Judged To Be Even Lower Than Previous Estimates
CBO Finds Health Reform's Medicaid Expansion Is An Even Better Deal for States. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. April 22, 2014.
Speed In Stroke Care Vital; Strategies Outlined In Studies
Research Shows Ways To Speed Stroke Care by Dennis Thompson. WebMd. April 23, 2014.
The studies outline strategies for ERs and ambulances as well as use of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA).
The studies outline strategies for ERs and ambulances as well as use of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA).
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Visual Illustration Of Mortality Trends: How Americans Die
How Americans Die. Bloomberg. April 17, 2014.
Great series of charts showing significant trends in mortality.
Great series of charts showing significant trends in mortality.
Emphasis Of Current Scientific Research Moves Away From Diet
An Apple A Day, And Other Myths by George Johnson. Raw Data. The New York Times. April 21, 2014.
In the course of the article it is mentioned that chronic inflammation is a continuing emphasis of cancer researchers. For many people inflammation is a byproduct of diet and it results in obesity.
In the course of the article it is mentioned that chronic inflammation is a continuing emphasis of cancer researchers. For many people inflammation is a byproduct of diet and it results in obesity.
American Middle Class Is No Longer The World's Richest;
The American Middle Class Is No Longer The World's Richest by David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy. The New York Times. April 22, 2014.
In a society which still lacks, even with implementation of Obamacare, a system of universal healthcare, income still is vitally important to the physical health of a society.
In a society which still lacks, even with implementation of Obamacare, a system of universal healthcare, income still is vitally important to the physical health of a society.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Fashion Helps Young Woman Cope With Pain
Survival In Style: How Fashion Helped A Young Woman Find Joy In the Midst Of Pain by Mary Alice Stephenson. Huffingtonpost. April 15, 2014.
560,000 To 880,000 Prescriptions For Codeine To Kinds May Not Be Appropriate
Too Much Codeine Still Prescribed To Kids: Study by Dennis Thompson. WebMD. April 21, 2014.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Less-Educated Women Show Dramatic Loos in Longevity
Less-Schooled Whites Lose Longevity, Study Finds by Michael E. Kanell. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Mankato Free Press. April 17, 2014.
Alarming statistic: Nationwide the life expectancy of white women without high school diplomas feel from 78.5 in 1990 to 73.5 in 2008. The article explore possible reasons.
Alarming statistic: Nationwide the life expectancy of white women without high school diplomas feel from 78.5 in 1990 to 73.5 in 2008. The article explore possible reasons.
Friday, April 18, 2014
The Physician's Cost Control Responsibilities In Patient Care Is Subject Of New Association Guidelines
Cost Of Treatment May Influence Doctors by Andrew Pollack. The New York Times. April 17, 2014.
220,000 Apply For Obamacare Coverage During First Enrollment Period
Updated Georgia Health Exchange Numbers: 220K Apply For Coverage by Andy Miller/Georgia Health News. Georgia Public Broadcasting. April 17, 2014.
The article notes that 650,000 Georgian are estimated to be eligible for subsidies in the health insurance exchange.
The article notes that 650,000 Georgian are estimated to be eligible for subsidies in the health insurance exchange.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
One In 20 Patients Of Outpatient Facilities Are Misdiagnosed: New Study
About 12 Million U.S. Outpatients Misdiagnosed Annually--Study by Curtis Skinner. Reuters. April 17, 2014.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Jobs In Healthcare: Are They Immune From The Trend Of Substituting Capital For Labor?
Tech Leaps, Job Loses And Rising Inequality by Eduardo Porter, Economic Scene. New York Times. April 15, 2014.
This is an article of opinion and analysis of a trend which "encourages replacing decently paid workers with a machine, regardless of their skill," a trend which could impact the medical professions.
This is an article of opinion and analysis of a trend which "encourages replacing decently paid workers with a machine, regardless of their skill," a trend which could impact the medical professions.
No One Single Microbiome Associated With Healthy People; Many Bacteria Factors At Work In Determining Effective Therapies
Scientists Re-define What's Healthy In Newest Analysis For Human Microbiome Project. Science Daily. April 16, 2014.
Study points to the individual uniqueness of what it means to be healthy.
Study points to the individual uniqueness of what it means to be healthy.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
New Disorder Identified By Some Mental Health Professionals; Issues Of Validity And Treatment Implications
Idea Of New Attention Disorder Spurs Research, And Debate by Alan Schwarz. The New York Times. April 11, 2014.
The new disorder is called sluggish cognitive tempo and could result in treatment for perhaps two million children.
The new disorder is called sluggish cognitive tempo and could result in treatment for perhaps two million children.
Monday, April 14, 2014
5 Million Bitten By Snakes with 94 Thousand Deaths Worldwide; The Urgent Need For New Snakebit Treatments
The Killers Underfoot by Matthew Lewin. Sunday Review. The New York Times. April 12, 2014.
Also worldwide 400,000 have limbs amputated or are permanently disabled.
Also worldwide 400,000 have limbs amputated or are permanently disabled.
Impenetrable Condom From Material One Atom Thick: Just One Of the Possible Products From the Coming Graphene Revolution
Bend It, Charge It, Dunk It: Graphene, The Material Of Tomorrow by Nick Bilton. April 13, 2014.
This article is not focused on medical or health applications. However the implications of this new material are so potentially revolutionary that we can be certain that medicine will not escape its impact.
This article is not focused on medical or health applications. However the implications of this new material are so potentially revolutionary that we can be certain that medicine will not escape its impact.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Health Care Innovation Products Developed In A Competition For Undergraduates At Georgia Tech
Health Care Ripe For Ideas by David Markiewicz. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. April 13, 2014. Article is in the physical newspaper and by subscription online.
Included is a method to deal with positional sleep apnea.
Included is a method to deal with positional sleep apnea.
Medicaid Expansion: Dollar Waster Or Moral Imperative?
Medicaid Expansion: Dollar Waster or Moral Imperative by Misty Williams. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. April 12, 2014. This complete article is available with online subscription or in the physical newspaper.
A great overview of the controversy surrounding the most important health care debate in Georgia at the moment.
A great overview of the controversy surrounding the most important health care debate in Georgia at the moment.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Using Techniques Of Tissue Engineering, Laboratory-Grown Vaginas Implanted In Patients
Laboratory-Grown Vaginas Implanted In Patients. Science Daily. April 10, 2014.
Extraction Of Shale Gas In China Has Domestic and Worldwide Health Implications
China Takes On Big Risks In Its Push For Shale Gas by Keith Bradsher. The New York Times. April 11, 2014.
For Some Employers, France Moves To Limit After-Hours Emails; Health Concerns Cited
In France, A Move To Limit Off-The-Clock Work Emails by Scott Sayare. The New York Times. April 11, 2014.
Georgia Regents University Creates Cancer Center, Confucius Institute For Study Of Traditional Chinese Medicine
GRU Had "Productive Year," Azziz Says by Tom Corwin. The Augusta Chronicle. April 10, 2014.
GRU becomes the first academic health center in the Western hemisphere to be focused on traditional Chinese medicine.
GRU becomes the first academic health center in the Western hemisphere to be focused on traditional Chinese medicine.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Review Of Clinical Trials: Physician People Skills Translate to Better Health Results
A Doctor's "People Skills" Affects Patients Health by Amy Norton. CBS News. April 11, 2014.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Drugs Costs Raise Questions In Analysis of Massive Medicare Data Dump
Costs Of Drugs Used By Medicare Doctors Can Vary Greatly By Region, Analysis Finds by Peter Whoriskey, Dan Keating and Lena H. Sun. Washington Post. April 9, 2014.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
WHO Advocates Treatment Guidelines For the 150 Million People Suffering From Hepatitis C; Hopes To Replicate Success of HIV Drugs
A Call For Pricey Treatment For Millions With Hepatitis-C by Richard Knox. Capsules Blog. Kaiser Health News. April 9, 2014.
Primary Care Shortage? Study Shows Key Role Of Insurance Status
Primary Care Shortage? Not For The Insured, Study Shows by Elana Gordon, WHYY/Kaiser Health News. Capsules Blog. April 8, 2014.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Non-invasive Blood Biopsy Offers Possible New Tool For Cancer Diagnosis
Sidestepping The Biopsy With New Tools To Spot Cancer by Andrew Pollack. The New York Times. April 7, 2014.
Among the benefits mentioned in this article is potentially tracking the disease as it evolves.
Among the benefits mentioned in this article is potentially tracking the disease as it evolves.
Electrical Current Through Spine Restores Signals From Brain To Spine In Men Restoring Some Function In Paralyzed Men
Stimulation Restores Some Function For 4 Paralyzed Men by Karen Weintraub. USA TODAY. April 8, 2014.
This finding will likely impact the lives of more than 1.2 million Americans who lack control of their lower limbs.
This finding will likely impact the lives of more than 1.2 million Americans who lack control of their lower limbs.
Social Progress Index Measures Nations According to Human Needs, Wellbeing, and Opportunity
Social Progress Index. The Social Progress Imperative. April 1, 2014.
This measure, created by Harvard business professor Michael Porter, seeks to address the problem of measurement, that economic measures alone do not fully capture social progress. As a consequence he established a national ranking of national ability to fulfill human needs, establish wellbeing, and create opportunity.
Of particular interest are the measures of Health and Wellbeing and Nutrition and Basic Medical Care.
According to the country ranking, the U.S. ranked 16th in the Social Progress Index, 23rd in Basic Human Needs, 36th in Foundations of Wellbeing, and 5th in Opportunity.
This measure, created by Harvard business professor Michael Porter, seeks to address the problem of measurement, that economic measures alone do not fully capture social progress. As a consequence he established a national ranking of national ability to fulfill human needs, establish wellbeing, and create opportunity.
Of particular interest are the measures of Health and Wellbeing and Nutrition and Basic Medical Care.
According to the country ranking, the U.S. ranked 16th in the Social Progress Index, 23rd in Basic Human Needs, 36th in Foundations of Wellbeing, and 5th in Opportunity.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Big Data Problems Delineated With Implications For Public Health
Eight (No, Nine!) Problems With Big Data by Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis. Opinion. The New York Times. April 6, 2014.
Google Flu Trends is a focus with a discussion of why it has faltered.
Google Flu Trends is a focus with a discussion of why it has faltered.
Over A Lifetime, Childhood Obesity Costs$19,000 Per Child
Over A Lifetime, Childhood Obesity Costs $19,000 Per Child. Press Release From Duke University Medical Center. April 7, 2014.
The costs just for 10-year-olds alone is roughly $14 billion.
The costs just for 10-year-olds alone is roughly $14 billion.
New Understanding Of The Mechanism of Touch May Offer Key to Aging, Development Of Smart Prosthetics
Scientists Discover Key Cells Involved In Touch Sensation by Honor Whiteman. Medical News Today. April 7, 2014.
Computer That Recognizes 21 Emotions May Have Applications In Autism Therapy
Researchers Teach A Computer To Recognize 21 Different Human Emotions by David McNamee. Medical News Today. April 7, 2014.
Also the article mentions possible therapeutic applications for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Also the article mentions possible therapeutic applications for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Medical Advances Often Means Big Increases In Costs
Even Small Medical Advances Can Mean Big Jump In Costs by Elisabeth Rosenthal. The New York Times. April 5, 2014.
A bit of advice: Follow everything Elisabeth Rosenthal writes on costs in medicine.
A bit of advice: Follow everything Elisabeth Rosenthal writes on costs in medicine.
Most and Least Obese Cities; Obesity Concentrated In South and Northern Cities Where Manufacturing Has Been Destroyed
America's thinnest (And Fattest) Cities by Douglas A. McIntyre. USA TODAY. April 6, 2014.
Dentistry Going Digital
High-Tech Teeth: Dentistry Is Going Digital by Michelle Healy. USA TODAY. April 6, 2014.
In-office crown production is just one of the new services.
In-office crown production is just one of the new services.
Georgia Decision Not To Expand Medicaid Leaves 409,000 Residents In A Coverage Gap
Left Behind By Obamacare, And The State by Misty Williams. The Atlanta Journal Constitution. April 5, 2014. Available by subscription or in the physical newspaper only.
Georgia is ranked #3 in the number of people in a coverage gap resulting from the decision not to expand Medicaid. This decision has left some making too much money for traditional Medicaid and too little receive federal tax subsidies on the insurance exchanges.
Georgia is ranked #3 in the number of people in a coverage gap resulting from the decision not to expand Medicaid. This decision has left some making too much money for traditional Medicaid and too little receive federal tax subsidies on the insurance exchanges.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Deaths From Opioids Spurs Quick F.D.A Approval Of Hand-Held Overdose Treatment Device
Hand-Held Treatment For Overdoses Is Approved by Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times. April 3, 2014.
Clinical Trials Populations Not Representative
There Are Too Many White People In Clinical Trials, And It's A Bigger Problem Than You Think by Tara Culp-Ressler. Think Progress. April 4, 2014.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
$1000-A-Day Drug Offers Cure But Also Problems For Many
$1,000-A-Day Miracle Drug Shocks U.S. Health Care System by Kim Peterson CBS News/Moneywatch. April 3, 2014.
A new hepatitis C treatment can cure up to 90 percent of patients but costs pose problems to many.
A new hepatitis C treatment can cure up to 90 percent of patients but costs pose problems to many.
CDC Lists Injury To Eyes And Skin AS Possible Risks Of Electronic Cigarettes
Electronic Cigarettes Can Be Dangerous, Even If You Don't Smoke Them by Karen Kaplan. Lost Angeles Times. April 3, 2014.
Exposure as well as injury are seen as risks in reports to poison control centers.
Exposure as well as injury are seen as risks in reports to poison control centers.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Georgia Health Information Network Aims To Facilitate Sharing of Patient Health Information
Emory, Grady Join Georgia Health Information Network by Ellie Hensley. Atlanta Business Chronicle. April 2, 2014.
Cleveland Clinic Dietitian Evaluates Popular But Unproven Food Theories
6 Popular Theories About Food That Have Not Yet Been Proven by Kristin Kirkpatrick. Huffington Post. April 2, 2014.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Measuring Patient Engagement Viewed As Key To Coaching And Support
How Doctors Rate Patients. The Informed Patient Blog. The Wall Street Journal. March 31, 2013.
Heart Failure Affects 6.5 Million Americans; Medicare To Cover Cardia Rehab
The Path To A Stronger Heart by Ron Winslow. The Wall Street Journal. March 31, 2014
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