Saturday, August 31, 2013

Use Of Sleep Meds Detailed In First Of Its Kind National Survey From the CDC

CDC Details Use Of Sleep Meds by John Gever.  MedPage Today.  August 30, 2013.

(1)  The highest rates of usage of prescription sleep medications were shown among _______________________.

(2)  There was a ________ relationship recent average sleep duration and their use of prescription sleep drugs.

(3)  ______ % of survey participants not reporting any sleep problems to doctors still reported using prescription sleep aids.

Fruits--Yes; Fruit Juices--No For Reduced Type II Diabetes Risk

Fruit Takes A Bite Out Of Diabetes Risk by Crystal Phend.  Medpage Today.  August 29, 2013.

(1)  The fruit with the greatest diabetes risk reduction was _______________ with a _____% lower odds per three servings a week.

(2)  Fruit juice correlated with a significant ______% elevated risk of developing diabetes;  Cantaloupes were linked with a _____% higher risk.

(3)  The variation among individual fruits may result from _________________________.

(4)  A significant limitation of the study was that consumption was ________________.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Money Worries Lowers IQ, Strains General Cognitive Ability, Opens Door For Bad Decision-Making

Poverty Strains Cognitive Ability, Opening Door For Bad Decision-Making, New Study Finds by Brady Dennis.  Health & Science Blog.  The Washington Post.  August 30, 2013.

(1)  People struggling to make ends meet consume so much ____________ that they have little brainpower for anything else.

(2)  People wrestling with the mental strain of poverty suffered a drop of as much as ____________ in IQ.

(3)  When the poor experience a scarcity of money they may really be experiencing a scarcity of ________________.

(4)  What is meant by the term "cognitive tax?"

Wives' Or Girlfriends' Success Causes Decline In Male "Implicit Self-Esteem": University of Florida Study

In Showdowns Between Sexes, Male Ego Bruises Easily by Dennis Thompson.  Health Day.  US News.  August 30, 2013.

(1)  True or False:  According to the research male partners of females who succeed have a boost in both explicit and implicit self-esteem as a result of their partner's success.

(2)  Male self-esteem is bruised by their partner's success even if they are not ________________________.

(3)  According to this research men interpreted their partner's success as their own ___________.

(4)  A male partner's success had _____________ on a woman's self-esteem.

(5)  Women _________  internalize their partner's success and feel better

(6)  Male "explicit self-esteem" __________ affected by partners success or failure while male "implicit self-esteem _____________ affected.

(7)  Speculation is that the research results be tied to __________________ and social reinforcement of ______________.

(8)  A professor from George Mason University raised a key question:  If competition is such a powerful motivational factor for some men "how are we going to sustain ___________________________________.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Early Developmental Brain Grown In Laboratory; Implications For Treating Developmental Disorders and Testing Drugs Seen

Miniature Human Brain Grown In Lab by James Gallagher.  BBC News Health.  August 28, 2013.  

(1)  The structures grown in the lab reached the same level of development as ______________________________________,

(2)  _____________ or ________________________ were used to produce the part of the embryo that develops into the brain and spinal cord, ______________.  

(3)  The organoids are, according to one of the researchers, good for ___________-_-----------.

(4)  The structures could be used to replace ____________ in drug research.  

(5)  The breakthrough has already been used to investigate a disease called____________.


Male Depression Manifests Differently From Female Depression; Implications For Treatment And Research

Study Shows Men Just As Likely To Be Depressed As Women by Melissa Healy.  Lost Angeles Times.  August 28, 2013.

(1)  When such symptoms as, rage, _______________________ are factored into the diagnosis of depression, men may be just as likely, or perhaps more likely, than women to suffer depression.

(2)  Before this research, mental health authorities were puzzled to explain why men, if they suffer less depression, are  _________________ to commit suicide.

(3)  A researcher observed that everything we know about depression depends on how _____________ to begin with.

(4)  With this new conceptualization of depression, there could be a new look at how such diseases as _______________ and depression relate to each other.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sodium Intake Controlled By The Brain Not By Salt Consumed

Salt Intake Controlled By Brain, Not Diet.  Medical News Today.  August 28, 2013.

(1)  The basic finding of the study indicted that salt intake is within a relatively narrow range that is defined by ____________________________ rather than by________>

(2)  The study found that there is no____________________ to support an association between sodium intake and most health outcomes other than some_____________ diseases and all-cause mortality.

(3)  The study's author acknowledged that US sodium guidelines have been _______________.

(4)  "Sodium intake will not be changed by altering ___________________ or other public-policy attempts to limit sodium consumption.

The Hospital As A Public Utility--Regulated Price With Low But Stable Profit: A Maryland Example

Lessons In Maryland For Controlling Costs At Hospitals by Eduardo Porter.  The New York Times.  August 28, 2013.  (At the moment there is no link to the online NY Times article.  The site has been under cyberattack.  Go to the physical paper to read.)

(1)  Under the Maryland System described in the article, the hospital accepts a guaranteed budget every year to ________________________________.

(2)  This system has provided incentives to keep people ___________________ where the cost of care is __________________________,

(3)  Results of this approach include reduction of readmissions from _______ in 2011 to _______ now and and operating profit of __________________ on revenue of ___________.

(4)  The transformation of hospital service resembles an ___________________, referred to in the federal health care law.

(5)   According to Porter this is possible because in Maryland there is a commission that sets ___________________________________ which in effects turns hospitals into ______________.
(6)  This system provides a direct means to regulate ______________.

(7)  Why is costs for care spread more evenly in Maryland between private pay patients, Medicare/Medicaid patients, and the uninsured.

(8)  How does the Maryland system for uncompensated care differ from that commonly found elsewhere?

(9)  Maryland health insurance rates are among the _____________________.

(10)  What are some of the difficulties in applying the Maryland system nationwide?

(11)  AS a result of keeping healthier people out of the Maryland's hospitals, they have _________________________ raising their unit cost.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Contaminants Found In People Of All Income Levels Though Specific Types Vary By Income Level

Chemical Contaminants Found In People Of All Income Levels by Nina Lincoff.  Healthline News.  August 6, 2013.

(1)  Wealthier individuals had higher levels of ____________________.

(2)  Those at lower socioeconomic status had higher levels of ________________.

(3)  Higher levels of lead and cadmium in the bodies of lower SES indivicuals may result from ___________________.

Water Distribution Provides Opportunities for Organisms To Survive And Flourish

A Quest For Even Safer Drinking Water by Peter Andrey Smith.  The New York Times.  August 26, 2013.

(1)  In 2007/2008 there were 164 waterborne disease outbreaks almost entirely from ____________.

(2)  The water supply system remains a _______________________________ so complex that _______________________________________.

(3)  Chlorine-based disinfectants destroy organisms that cause __________________ but leave many millions of ________________________ organisms in every quart of tap water.

(4)  Mycobacteria can survive _____________ and cause an estimated ____________ infections annually.

(5)  Genetically-identical strains of mycobacteria have been identified in the lungs of affected patients and __________________.

(6)  Water drawn from the faucet is markedly different from _________________________.

(7)  Bacteria can evade disinfectant in an amoeba's digestive system surviving for up to _______________.

(8)  How does biofilm contribute to distribution of organisms in distribution system?

(9)  Pathogens exist at greater concentrations in systems with more ____________.

(10)  A great fear is that the engineered environments, such as the water distribution system, will contribute to ___________________.

Monday, August 26, 2013

In A Potential Breakthrough, Screen For Ovarian Cancer Obtains Good Results

New Hope For Early Detection Of Ovarian Cancer by Brenda Goodman.  US News.  August 26, 2013.

(1)  Ovarian cancer strikes with ______ symptoms.

(2)  Even though the new study does offer hope, there is the need for ___________ before clinical practice is changed.

(3)  The problem with previous methods of ovarian cancer screening is that they produce ____________________________.

(4)  The new screening method combines __________________________.

(5)  In the new method a protein shed by tumor cells is measured as it ________________.

(6)  In the study the ____________ screening method appeared nearly 100 percent in ruling out false positives.

Contrary To Widely Held Beliefs, Family Members Will Not Be Available In Sufficient Numbers to Care For Aging Baby Boomers

In Coming Decades, Fewer Caregivers by Judith Graham.  The New Old Age:  Caring And Coping.  The New York Times.  August 26, 2013.

(1)  In 2010, there were ________ individuals of prime caregiving age  for every person age 80 or older.  In 2050, it is projected that there will just __________.

(2)  The aging of the Baby Boom generation will increase from _______ million in 2010 to _______ million in 2030 to _______ million by 2050.

(3)  The explanation of the "care gap" lies with trends including __________________________________.

(4)  Between 2010 and 2013 the percentage of frail older people who have only one or two adult children is projected to increase from __________________.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Imperfect and Incomplete Measure, BMI, Obscures Basic Causes of Health Problems For many

For Nearly 1 In 5 Americans, BMI May Tell The Wrong Story by Melissa Healy.  Los Angeles Times.  August 22, 2013.

(1)  With a BMI of _______ or higher, the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers ____________________.

(2)  BMI as a measure valid for _______________ may be a poor predictor for ___________.

(3)  Explain what is meant by the "obesity paradox."

(4)  Weight status and ___________ are imperfectly correlated with _______% of obese adults metabolically unhealthy and ______% of normal-weight adults also metabolically unhealthy.

(5)  Conversely, _________ of the nation's obese adults are metabolically healthy.

(6)  The BMI captures the distinction between fatness which _________________ and fatness that is located in _____________________.

(7)  According to the authors of the study there is a urgent need for ______________________

Saturday, August 24, 2013

CVS Institutes A Program To Limit Inappropriate Prescribing Of Painkillers

Abusive Prescribing Of Controlled Substances---A Pharmacy View by Mitch Betses and Troyen Brenan.  New England Journal Of Medicine.  August 21, 2013.

A major pharmacy chain takes steps to "take action against physicians and other prescribers who exhibit extreme patterns of use of 'high-risk drugs."

Physician Group Advocates Integrating Abortion Into The Mainstream of Women's-Health And Hospital Services, Away From Stand-Alone Clinics

Doctors Urge More Hospitals To Perform Abortions by Grace Wyler.  Time.  August 23, 2013.

(1)  These doctors are attempting to reverse a decades-long that has___________________________________.

(2)  The statement to be published in the September issue of the American Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology calls on the medical community to integrate _____________________________

(3)  Hospitals provide ________% of abortions in the U.S. while many facilities limit the procedure to __________________.

(4)  Clinics now perform _________% of abortions in the U.S.

(5)  Since Roe v. Wade ______________ and the promise of _________ has been been a powerful tool in prevent hospitals from performing abortions.

(6)  Among the reasons cited by physicians who would be open to providing abortions for not providing abortions are __________________

(7)  At present ________% of residency programs in OB/GYN provide abortion training as compared with ________ % in 1992.

(8)  A whole new generation of _________________________ is replacing _______________.
With this generational change is a different view about ________________________.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Young Adults, A Crucial Demographic Group, Are Less Knowledgeable About Obamacare Than Older Americans

Poll:  Young Adults Least Familiar With Obamacare by Sam Baker.  The Hill.  August 23, 2013.
(1)  ____________ of young people ages 18-34 were "very familiar" with the law according to the poll.

(2)  Combining all age groups showed ____________ saying that they're "somewhat" familiar with the law.

(3)  Young Adults are _____________ about the healthcare law than older generations.

(4)  _________ percent of middle-aged respondents said they disapprove of the Affordable Care Act.

Social Condition Which Impact Health, Long Ignored In Medical Practice, Now Being Incorporated In New Care Models

New Care Models Look At Social Factors in Health by David Pittman.  Medpagetoday.  August 22, 2013.

(1)  Models such as __________________________ should provide means for connecting patients clinical care with broader social services.

(2)  Lack of access to __________________________________________ makes people more vulnerable to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases.

(3)  The _________________ coordinates care for patients at a community level, expanding the impact of health care by focusing on ___________________.

(4)  According to a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation  survey ____________ doctors felt unequipped to health with their social needs, while ________ percent felt unmet social needs are leading to worse health.

(5)  The failure of the system to provide payment to doctors for services to connect patients with community resources is beginning to be addressed by ______________________.

(6)  Minnesota is reimbursing providers up to $600 per member per month to _________________

(7)  ICD-10 will allow for greater _____________________________.

(8)  The Medicaid Medical Home, created by the ________________, is one of the programs designed to help link patients with community resources.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Trends Point To Increasing Human Resources For Primary Care, Acceptance Of Medicare Patients By New Primary Care Physicians.

More Medical Students Are Choosing To Become Family Doctors___And That's Good News For Obamacare by Sy Mukherjee.  Think Progress.  August 22, 2013.

Residency Census Report:  Family Medicine Attracts More U.S. Medical School Graduates.  American Academy of Family Physicians.  August 21, 2013.

(1)  The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that the current shortage of physicians today is __________________ with ________________ estimated for 2024.

(2)  The number of U.S. physicians, according to a study by USA Today, accepting Medicare patients has increased ________%.

(3)  Older physicians leaving the field are _________ to accept Medicare patients than new primary care physicians entering the field.

(4)  The article indicates that medical school may be ________________ in response to Obamacare.

(5)  ______________ is an important factor in the shortage of primary care professionals with ______ percent of all nurse practitioners  working in  subspeciality areas and _______ percent of all physician assistants in subspecialities.

Cost Pressures From Several Sources Cause U.P.S. To End Spousal Health Benefits For Those With Alternative Coverage

U.P.S. To End Health Benefits For Spouses Of Some Workers by Steven Greenhouse.  New York Times.  August 21, 2013.

(1)  United Parcel Services will stop providing health care coverage to ________________ who can obtain coverage through _______________________.

(2)  Motivations for this move according to a company statement and the opinion of experts include
         (a)  Costs associated with the _______________
         (b)  A general desire to __________________ in a competitive industry;
         (c)  The federal health care law does not  require ____________
         (d)  Avoid being hit in 2018 with the so-called ___________.

(3)  The percentage of employers adopting a "spousal carve0out" is ___________.

(4)  The U.P.S. decision does not effect its _________________.

(5)  A consultant at Mercer predicted that the policy would  be ________ by other employers.

(6)  The vice president with the Kaiser Family Foundation expressed skepticism that the requirements of the health care law were ____________________________.

Molecular Psychiatry Identifies Possible Biomarker For Suicide

A Blood Test For Suicide?  Biomarkers May Identify People At Risk by Karen Kaplan.  The Los Angeles times.  August 20, 2013.

Click on the above link, read the article and test your retention with a brief quiz.  Or, alternatively read the quiz and then read the article looking for the answers.  Or, do both.  Purposeful reading and self-quiz are excellent ways to improve retention.

(1)  Approximately ___________ people die of suicide worldwide each year, creating an urgent need to address potentially preventable deaths.

(2)  The research here focused on ___________, which are molecules that show how active certain genes are.

(3)  High expression of the gene __________ and low expression of the gene _________ were shown to have strong links to suicidal thinking.

(4)  Among the remaining questions to be explored in future research are __________________.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

License To Practice Medicine Does Not Always Line Up With Record Of Good Care

Thousands Of Doctors Practicing Despite Errors, Misconduct by Peter Eisler and Barbara Hansen.  USA TODAY.  August 20, 2013.

(1)  By law "adverse actions" by any of the nation's 878,000 licensed doctors must be filed with the _________________ for the purpose of monitoring by state medical boards.

(2)  Of the nearly ____________ doctors who had their clinical privileges or taken away more than __________ never were fined or subject to a license action by a medical board.

(3)  Nearly ________ doctors cited as an "immediate threat to health and safety" did not have their licenses restricted or taken away.

(4)  Roughly ________ physicians were responsible for 10% of all the payments for malpractice settlements.  However in some malpractice cases some doctors may settle without _________ in order to avoid______________.

(5)  Three factors cited by medical professional leader that slow prompt action by medical boards are laws,  _____________ and __________.

(6)  True or False:  Medical board disciplinary practices and regulations vary greatly from state to state.

(7)  True or False:  All hospitals promptly file reports when a physician is disciplined.

(8)  _______ % of hospital had never reported to the National Practitioner Data Base any action restricting or revoking a doctors clinical privileges as of 2011.

(9)  Physician discipline hits a bottleneck in the hospital ____________ committee according to a physician who served as chief of medical staff in two hospitals.

Premiums For Employer-Provided Health Insurance Rising Moderately; No Indication That Obamacare Resulting In Increases

Health Care Costs Climb Moderately, Survey Says by Andrew Pollack.  New York times.  August 20, 2013.

(1)  The _________ percent increase for a family is much less than the ___________ percent increases experienced a decade ago.  However it is still much higher than the _______ percent increase in wages last year.

(2)  The article presents several possible reasons for the slower increase:  increasing ____________ costs paid through __________________, slower growth of health care spending partly explained by people forgoing ____________________, and possibly cuts by health care providers in anticipate of the _________________.

(3)  While there is no indication that Obamacare is leading to big premium increases, there is conversely a lack of clear indications that Obamcare has ______________________________.

(4)  True or False:  The survey showed that employers are not  dropping health insurance and forcing employees to seek coverage on the new insurance exchanges.

(5)  While the survey found that many young adults are interested in health insurance only _______ percent were aware of the insurance marketplaces/exchanges starting October 1, 2013.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Unique Form Of Musical Hallucination

Neurologists Report Unique Form Of Musical Hallucination.  Science Daily.  August 20, 2013.

(1)  This is the first known incident where a patient hallucinated music that was __________________ but not ________________.

(2)  Musical hallucinations are most often found in _________.

(3)  Predisposing facts include_____________________________.

(4)  The most common predisposing condition is _________________.

Why Obamacare Is Good For Young People

Why Obamacare Is Good For Young People by Ezra Klein.  The Washington Post.  August 19, 2013.
(1)  How is health insurance different from other insurance?

(2)  Young people are more likely be the biggest beneficiaries of ____________ because they are more likely to be ________________.

(3)  Discussions about premiums under Obamacare apply only to the about ____________ who will get their nongroup insurance through the Obamacare exchanges/marketplaces.

(4)  Why should young and healthy people sign up in the marketplaces?  What is the role of subsidies?  Who will benefit?

(5)  Why should young people who make too much money to qualify for subsidies but don't receive health insurance through their job sign up?

(6)  The people who overpay today to keep costs low today are the people _________________.

Study: Telemedicine Improves ER Care For Rural Children

Telemedicine Improves Care For Kids Seen In Rural ERs by Anne Harding.  Reuters.  August 19, 2013.

(1)  Why is telemedicine particularly helpful in treating children at ER's in rural areas?

(2)  Telemedicine can sometimes lower costs by ____________________________.

Broad Or Narrow Spectrum: Choice Of Antibiotic Has Consequences

Antibiotics Do's And Don'ts.  Your Health.  The Wall Street Journal.  August 19, 2013.

(1)  Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill _______________________.

(2)  Three examples of narrow-spectrum antibiotics are __________________.

(3)  What are two problems resulting from misuse of antibiotics?

(4)  According to a study cited in the article doctors prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics ___________ percent of the time.

(5)  In ________% of the cases examined antibiotics were being prescribed for conditions in which they have no use such as viral infections.  This practice accounts for up to _________million prescriptions a year.

(6)  Ciprofloxacin may be inappropriately prescribed for urinary-tract infections because __________.

(7)  A difficulty doctors often face is telling the difference between a ____________ and a ____________ infection.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Lyme Disease Much Bigger Problem Than Previously Thought; New Preventive Measures Considered

U.S. Lyme Disease Cases Vastly Underreported:  CDC.  U.S. News & World Report.  August 1, 2013.

(1)  About ___________ cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC each year out of approximately _______________ diagnosed cases.

(2)  About ________ percent of cases occur in _______ states.

(3)  Preventive measures such as ________________ are effective aren't fail proof pointing to the need for _____________________.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Medical Pricing: Lack Of Knowledge Has Big Costs

The Cure For The $1,000 Toothbrush by Tina Rosenberg.  Opinionator--Exclusive Online Commentary from The Times.  New York times.  August 13, 2013.

(1)  _________________ is a major reason medical bills are so high.

(2)  In U.S. health care, the doctors and hospitals know _____________ while the patients don't know _________________.

(3)  Employers have delegated __________________.

(4)  P.P.O's assemble ___________________ who agree to _________________.

(5)  Because they are so large, hospitals now _____________ with P.P.O's.

(6)  Price ____________ clauses are sometimes included in hospital contracts with P.P.O's .

(7)  A study cited in the article found that dominant hospital chains could get _______________.

(8)  Explain how the hospital chargemaster functions in pricing.  

(9)  The chargemaster rate is almost always at least __________ what Medicare pays a hospital.

(10)  True or False:  Insurance companies often challenge hospital charges.

(11)  ________ percent of America's insured are insured through P.P.O's.

(12)  What impact could hospital consolidation have on prices?

(13)  True or False:  Most hospital bills are paid by insurance companies only after careful  consideration of supporting documentation.

(14)  Reference pricing involves ______________________________.

(15)  One important reason that reason that businesses don't know what they are paying is ______________________.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Study: Under Obamacare Labor Market May Lose Workers Employed Only For Health Benefits

Obamacare Could Shrink Jobs:  Why That Might Be OK by Peter Coy.  Bloomberg Businessweek.  July 26, 2013.

(1)  According to a study profiled here, people who took jobs just for the employer-provided health insurance may ______________________________.

(2)  That is not necessarily a bad thing because individuals who quit their jobs no longer need them _______________________.

(3)  Individuals locked into jobs for health insurance may, under Obamacare exchanges, be able to ___________________________.

Does Inappropriate "Plumbing Analogy" Result In Overuse Of Cardiac Stents?

Heart Stents Still Overused, Experts Say by Anahad O'Connor.  Well Blog.  The New York Times.  August 15, 2013.  

(1)  For patients with stable coronary artery disease, studies have shown that inserting a stent is generally _____________________________________.

(2)  According to the American Medical Association and the Joint Commission roughly ____________________ may be inappropriate while another __________ may be questionable.  

(3)  Why is the "plumbing analogy" not adequate?  

(4)  Most ruptures occur at -__________________ and in some cases are so small that they do not _____________ and may be ____________ to cardiologists.  

(5)  What are,  according to Dr. Michael B. Rothberg of the Cleveland Clinic,  two myths about coronary artery disease?

(6)  True or False:  For patients with stable coronary artery disease, research has shown that angioplasty does not prevent future heart attacks.  Explain why or why not.  

High Debt Levels Impact The Health Of Young Americans

High Debt Could Be Hazardous To Your Health by Erin White.  Northwestern University.  August 15, 2013.

(1)  While previous studies have found an association among young people of debt and adverse psychological health, this study is the first to ___________________.

(2)  Higher debt-to-asset ratio was associated with higher perceived __________________, worse___________________ and higher__________________.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Effects Of Obesity Accumulate; Are Similar To Smoking

Study:  Obesity Responsible For 18 Percent Of U.S. Deaths by Nina Lincoff.  Healthline News.  August 15, 2013.

Damage From Obesity Is Cumulative--Age Matters.  Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Newsroom.  February 26, 2013.

(1)  According to the World Health Organizations obesity rates have _______________ since 1980.

(2)  As the health problems of obese people mount with age or they die, the obese individuals who remain will often skew _____________________.  \

(3)  The lead researcher found that the impact on U.S. mortality appears much more_________________________.

(4)  The groups most at risk obesity-caused mortality were ________________.

(5)  The researcher indicated that "when people who are obese live to an advanced age, it probably indicates that ____________________________.

(6)  For women the mortality risk at age 55 was _________ increasing from ________ at age 45.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lead Exposure Linked To School Suspension

Children Exposed To Lead Three Times More Likely To Be Suspended From School.    Science Daily.  August 14, 2013.

(1)  Suspension from school is important because suspended students are at greater risk of ______________________________________________________,

(2)  The study found that students in the 4th grade who were exposed to lead were _______________ to be suspended.

(3)  This Wisconsin study found that ________ percent of the racial disparity in suspensions was explained by lead exposure.

(4)  Experiments on animals proved that lead exposure cuases _____________________.

(5)  According to the CDC, African-American children are __________________ as likely as whites to have elevated lead levels.

21 Mutational Signatures Of 30 Common Cancers Identified

Milestone Study Probes Cancer Origin by James Gallagher.  BBC News.  August 14, 2013.

Gene Study Uncovers Origins Of Many Common Cancers by Kate Kelland.  Reuters.  August 14, 2013.

(1)  According to the study reported in Nature, disruptive changes to the genetic code have been identified for _____% of the 30 most common cancers.

(2) Two of the most well-known causes of  mutations are _________________.

(3)  These _____________ are hidden within the cancer genome which tell us what is actually causing cancer.

(4)  Signatures related to the body's immune system arise from the collateral damage of responding to _________ infection.

(5)  12 of the 21 identified signatures _________________.

(6)  All cancers examined contained two or more ________________.

(7)  Different cancers have different numbers of _________________.

(8)  Some signatures are found in ____________ when others are found ________________.

(9)  Out of the 30 cancers examined _________ had mutational processes linked to _______>

(10)  A family of enzymes called _________ was linked to more than half of the cancers studied.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Coordination Combined with Individuality In Neuron Activity Judged To Be Keys To Measuring Consciousness

A Magnetic Trick To Define Consciousness by Kelly Servick.  Science Now.  August 14, 2013.

(1)  Why do the authors of the study view brain integration as insufficient to ascertain consciousness?

(2)  To attain consciousness, the authors assert that neurons must work ____________ but keep their ________________.

(3)  The measurement tool they developed is called the ________________.

(4)  One of the authors of the study called the PCI the first ______________________.

(5)  What are some of the gray areas that remain for the PCI?

Exam-Based Care Versus Medical Procedure: Payment Practices That Distort Medicine

Study Reveals How Much Procedures Outpay Office Visits by Robert Lowes.  Medscape.  August 14, 2013.

(1)  The authors of the study recounted here believe their findings "illustrate the need to assign a higher relative value to ___________________________________.

(2)  If a higher relative values is not attached to cognitive-oriented care, procedure-oriented care will ____________________________.

(3)  For physician work hour, Medicare spends almost _________ times as much for a screening colonoscopy and almost _______ times as much for cataract extraction as it does for a __________________.

(4)  Such payment differentials, according to the authors, discourage physicians from______________________.

(5)  The way Medicare computes time devoted to procedures versus evaluation and management tend to be copied by most __________________.

Opinion Piece: Expand Medicaid In Georgia To Help Local Governments

Expand Medicaid To Help Local Government by Jack Bernard.  Georgia Health News.  August, 2, 2013.

(1)  What are two health care responsibilities of county government?

(2)  In June Georgia had _________ inmates in county jails, many of whom could receive Medicaid reimbursed  medical care especially if ________________________.

(3)  The primary uses of Medicaid are _______________________________.

(4)  Grady Memorial Hospital says it would have at least __________ more medical indigents covered by Georgia Medicaid expansion.  These patients are now paid for by transfers totaling __________ million from Fulton and Dekalb county governments.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Case Of Georgia Teen Illustrates Issues Involved In Transplants

Anthony Stokes, Dying Georgia Teen, Denied Heart Transplant Due To Low Grades, Legal Troubles, Family Says.  August 13, 2013.

Update---Family:  Teen Placed On Heart Transplant Waiting List.  August 13, 2013.

(1) The number of organ transplants performed on Black Americans in 2012 was _______ percent of those waiting for transplants.  The comparable number for whites was _______ percent.

(2)  In Georgia, residents are allowed to seal or expunge their ________________.

(3)  Some others point to larger pattern of ____________ about young black mean as the reason ______________________.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Electrical Activity In the Brain After Clinical Death Perhaps Points To Explanation Of Near-Death Experiences

The Neuroscience Of Dying:  Brain Activity Continues Up To 30 Seconds After Blood Flow Stops by Agence France-Presse.  Monday August 12, 2013.

(1)  In the first 30 seconds after hearts stopped, laboratory rats showed a _________________ observed in ________________.

(2)  At near-death, many known electrical signatures of consciousness____________________

(3)  This research, according to one of the scientists involved, provides the first _______________

Good Patient Care Often Depends On Depends On Devices That Can Work Together

Improving Patient Care By Making Sure Devices Work Well Together by Bakul Patel.  FDA Voice. August 6, 2013.

(1)  Interoperability refers to _________________________________________.

(2)  Interoperability can improve ___________________________.

Penalties For Hospital Readmissions Produces ripple Effects In Medical Firm Acquisition Activity

Medtronic Expands Into Disease Management by Christopher Weaver.  The Wall Street Journal.  August 11, 2013.

(1)  With this acquisition, Medtronic moves beyond its present market for ____________
to working with hospitals and insurers  to ______________________.

(2)  Cardiocom's products may receive a boost from the new health law rule that _____________________________.

(3)  The medical device industry in recent years  has flagged in recent years as a result of ___________________________.

(4)  The U.S. spends roughly ____________ a year treating heart failure.

(5)  Heart failure is one of three diagnoses singled out for _________________.

(6)  Medtronic thinks that _____________ is another area when it could make the leap from implantable devices to broader services.

(7)  With the opportunity to broaden its market beyond implantable devices, Medtronic obtains a new set of customers __________________________.

Mind/Body Link: Stomachache to Depression and Anxiety

Kids' Abdominal Pain Tied To Mental Distress In Adulthood by Crystal Phend.  MedPage Today.  August 12, 2013.

(1)  The association of abdominal pain and anxiety in teens and young adults was not broken even when _______________________________.

(2)  The association noted in this article underscores the importance of __________________________.

(3)  The data gained significance in light of the fact that the anxiety and depression was, in the judgement of clinicians, _______________________ .

(4)  Underlying problems of ____________________ may be causing more problems in children's lives than the pain itself.

(5)  Pain and psychiatric diagnosis may interact _________________.

(6)  What are four limitations of the study?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Steerable Needle May Offer More Access To Clots Now Viewed As Too Dangerous For Operation

Steerable Needle Lets Neurosurgeons Remove Brain Clots by Brett Smith.  August 9, 2013.

(1)  Why are current operational procedures for intracerebral hemorrhages not popular among neurosurgeons?

(2)  They system developed by the team at Vanderbilt shows ________ success in study simulations.

Genetic Link Of Autism and Cancer Identified: Unregulated Cell Growth May Be The Common Factor

Autism's Unexpected Link To Cancer Gene by Gina Kolata.  The New York Times.  August 11, 2013.

Follow the above link, read the article, and test your recall with a brief quiz.

(1)  About _______ percent of children with mutations in a gene call PTEN have autism.

(2)  True or False:  The finding recounted in this article clears up the causes of most cases of autism.

(3)  Not all individuals with this gene mutation will ____________________.

(4)  True or False:  Autism occurs naturally in the animal kingdom.

(5)  This link has led to the first clinical trial using the drug that ________________.

(6)  A Harvard geneticist offer the possibility that the cancer link to autism could merely be a manifestation of _________________________.

(7)  Like cancer, autism can involve ____________________.

(8)  ____________ is even more likely to result in autism than PTEN.

(9)  PTEN and tuberous sclerosis genes are part of the same network of genes that ____________

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Be Careful Of What You Compare In Assessing Obamacare

ObamaCare's Effects Difficult to Measure by Dhruv Khullar.  USA TODAY.  August 8, 2013.

(1)  Next year only _____ % of us will pay the health insurance exchange rates since the vast majority of Americans will continue to receive insurance through their employer, Medicare or Medicaid.

(2)  Young, healthy males will pay ____________ than they do now, with many not now buying insurance at all.

(3)  Older individuals with chronic conditions who may now may be able to purchase insurance at very high rates will on the exchanges be able to _________________.

(4)  Cost of purchasing insurance on the exchanges depends on taking into account federal ____________.

(5)  Since a large percentage of plans now sold in the individual and small group market will not meet the standards required for the Obamacare exchanges a comparison of prices between the exchanges and plans offered now will ____________________________.

Unforeseen Consequences Of Sharing DNA

Would You Post Your DNA  On Facebook?  by Quentin Fottrell.  August 10, 2013.

(1)  Genealogy companies "operate in a legal gray area."  "They're not quite _________ and they are not quite _________________.

(2)  Even if a genealogy company has a privacy policy stating  that will not sell the DNA, they are still subject to ______________.

(3)  Inviting third parties to use DNA in internal research may not violate _______________.

(4) "Reverse identify" means _____________________.

(5)  An MIT scientist stated that "we don't know what exactly _____________________.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Adderall/Ritalin Induced Emergency Room Visits Have Quadrupled

New Sign Of Stimulants Toll On Young by Sabrina Tavernise.  The New York Times.  August 8, 2013.

(1)  There were __________ emergency room visits related to stimulants in 2005;  _________ in 2011.

(2)  There are indications that a large share of the misuse is of medicines not ___________________.

(3)  When combined with alcohol, the stimulants can hid the effects of ______________________.

Lack Of Oral Care In Nursing Facilities: "An Epidemic That's Almost Universally Overlooked"

In Nursing Homes, An Epidemic Of Poor Dental Hygiene by Catherine Saint Louis.  The New York times.  August 4, 2013.

(1)  Nursing aides in nursing facilities are swamped with other tasks and brushing of teeth often ___________________________.

(2)  Residents with dementia often _________ routine dental hygiene.

(3)  A quote from an academic dentist:  "........... you can measure the quality of a nursing home by ______________________.

(4)  Lack of daily oral care in nursing facilities may be contributing to ____________, the leading killer of institutionalized older people.

(5)  True or False:  There is no national assessment of oral health in nursing homes.

(6)  True or False:  It is a federally mandated requirement that nursing home residents who cannot brush their teeth for themselves should have their teeth brushed for them.

(7)  Older Americans are more likely than ever to retain ______________.

(8)  Nearly two-thirds of long-term residents in nursing homes have _________ and resist oral care.

(9)  Natural teeth are ______________ for nursing home staff to take care than dentures.

(10)  Approximately ____________ deaths by pneumonia in a nursing home could be prevented by improving oral hygiene according to one study.

(11)  True or False:  Medicare covers routine dental care like cleanings and fillings.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bioelectronics/Electroceuticals Receive A Boost With GlaxoSmithKline Strategic Venture Fund

GSK Plugs Into Bioelectronics With $50 Million Venture Fund by Ben Hirschler.  Reuters.  August 8, 2013.

(1)  Bioelectronics or electroceuticals uses _______________ rather than chemicals or biological molecules to treat conditions.

(2)  GSK is first investing in SetPoint which is developing a new set of therapies for ___________________.

(3)  The bioelectronic approach to these conditions uses an _____________ to stimulate the _____________ to produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

(4)  Possible future applications include ________________________________.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta Changes His Mind On Medical Marijuana

Why I Changed My Mind On Weed by Dr. Sanjay Gupta.  CNN.  August 8, 2013.

(1)  Dr. Gupta, in part, reversed his opinion as a result of reviewing papers from _______________ and the voices of patients whose symptoms _______________.

(2)  According to Dr. Gupta's view, marijuana was classified by as a schedule 1  substance as a result of ________________________.

(3)  True or False:  Marijuana leads to dependence at a higher rate than cocaine.

(4)  Tobacco addiction rate is approximately )))))))))%

(5)  Among the possible harms of marijuana to developing brains are ____________________

(6)  Medical articles from 1840 to 1930 described the use of medical marijuana for ______________________________.

(7)  True or False:  The current U.S. studies of marijuana are evenly balanced between studying benefits and harms of marijuana.

(8)  While marijuana has been documented to relieve neuropathic pain, the most common medications prescribed today come from the _________________.

(9)  Studies in Spain and Israel have looked at the ________________.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ability of different Electronic Health Record Systems to Communicate Is Key Coordinated Care

Interoperability To Bet Boost From New Pay Models, HHS Says by David Pittman.  MedPage Today.  August 7, 2013.

(1) According To HHS greater financial motivations are needed to ____________________.

(2)  Interoperability of information systems is defined as ______________________________.

(3)  An objective of Health and Human Services is to incorporate _________________________
into payment reform efforts such as ___________________________________.

(4)  HHS aims to extend health information exchange standards  to _____________________________________ to link all spectra of the health care continuum.

Consistent Pattern Of Decline In Obesity Shown For The First Time In Decades

Poor Children Show A Decline In Obesity Rate by Sabrina Tavernise.  The New York Times.  August 6, 2013.

(1)  The obesity rate among preschool-age children from poor familities fell in ____ states and U.S. territories between 2008-2011.

(2)  One in _________ preschoolers in the United States is obese.  The rate for poor children is one in _____________.

(3)  What are four theories about the cause of the decline?

(4)  Children who are overweight or obese between 3 and 5 are ______ times more likely to be overweight or obese as adults.

(5)  What is meant by the biological limit of obesity?

Georgia Health Care Alliance Launched

Georgia Health Care Systems Launch Alliance.  Yahoo/AP.  July 24, 2013.

(1)  The alliance consists of more than _______ hospitals and _______ physicians.

(2)  The hospitals will remain __________ while using a __________ model.

(3)  The alliance will focus on the development of clinical guidelines, ________________

(4)  Stratus Healthcare alliance is one of the largest _____________________ and could _________________

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lack Of Sleep Leads To Cravings For Donuts, Pizza, and Unhealthy Snacks

Study Explains How Sleep Loss Can Make You Fat.  Medicalxpress.  August, 6, 2013.

(1) Sleeplessness impairs activity in the brains___________, which governs _____________ but increases activities in the deep brain that responds to rewards.

(2)  "______________ became significantly more desirable when participants were sleep-deprived."

(3)  "Getting enough sleep is one factor that ____________________."

Drug Transporters: Key Predictor of Cardiovascular Drug Reaction

Research Looks Into Lessening The Danger Of Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs.  Medicalxpress. August 6, 2013.  

(1)  Statin myopathy results in ______________ affecting up to ______5 of statin users.

(2)  An expert quoted in the article said that "we do not fully understand the _________ necessary for optimal statin therapy."

(3)  Key predictors of patients who will likely have high statin blood levels are the ________________.

(4)  Drug transporters are the ___________________

Radical Life Extension: A Survey Of Attitudes

Living To 120 And Beyond:  Americans Views On Aging, Medical Advances And Radical Life Extension.  Pew Research:  Religion & Public Life.  August 6, 2013.

(1)  Only ______% felt that "having more elderly people in the population" is a bad thing.

(2)  ________% of adults said that they would not undergo medical treatments to slow the aging process to live to be 120 or more.

(3) The ideal median life span for those surveyed is _________.

(4)  41% had a skeptical view of medical treatments saying that they "often ____________________"

(5)  Two-thirds of those surveyed think that treatments for radical life extension would only be accessible to __________________.

(6)  What are three negative implications of radical life extension foreseen by Americans?

(7)  Blacks and Hispanics are more likely than whites to see radical life extension as _______________________.

(8)  Overall life expectancy in the U.S. is ________ years.

(9)  The median ideal life span of adults under 30 is ________  than for older adults.

(10)  32% say that medical treatments are bad because "they _____________."

(11)  Black Protestants are more likely than evangelical Protestants and Catholics to say that radical life extension would __________________.

(12)  People who oppose the death penalty are likely to believe that long lifespans would _______________.

(13)  How are race and ethnicity related to views about radical life extension?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Lymphoma Risk Up In Celiac Disease

Lymphoma Risk Up In Celiac Disease by Nancy Walsh.  MedPage Today.  August 5, 2013.

(1)  Those patients with celiac disease have an elevated risk for lymphoma particularly if they have ___________________.

(2)  A possible reason for the increased risk is ongoing ____________ particularly for those who do not adhere to a _________________.

(3)  The findings of the study here could prompt  further evaluation of  _____________ as a goal for for patients with celiac disease.

Continuing Effort To Reduce Hospital Readmissions Results In Medicare Reductions To 2,225 Hospitals

Armed With Bigger Fines, Medicare To Punish 2,225, hospitals For Excess Readmissions by Jordan Rau.  Kaiser Health News.  August 2, 2013.

(1)  The penalty program is an effort to pay hospitals for the ______________ rather than merely the number of patients they treat.

(2)  In ________ states at least four out of five hospitals were penalized.

(3)  A Harvard researcher summarized the most important aspect of this problem as "reaching outside ______________."

(4)  What is the "perverse financial incentive" that the penalties are designed to address?

(5)  Medicare estimates that _______% of Medicare patients may be readmitted for avoidable reasons.

(6)  The Medicare penalties appear to impact hospitals that ______________________

(7)  Medicare believes that "hospitals that care for large proportions of patients of low socioeconomic status are _____________________.

(8)  Hospitals that succeed in reducing readmissions may __________________ by forgoing those second patient admissions.

(9)  Explain the tradeoff between low mortality rates and aggressiveness in recalling patients who seem to not be healing.

(10)  True or False:  The hospital industry is enthusiastic in support of the penalties.

(11)  A key objective of the penalties is to force medical providers to do a better job _______________________.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Same Song, Different Verse: Why Health Care Is So Expensive In the U.S.---Hip Replacement Example

In Need Of A New Hip, But Priced Out of The U.S. by Elisabeth Rosenthal.  The New York Times.  August 3, 2013.

Great case study of why healthcare in the United States is so expensive.

Follow the above link, read the article, and test your recall with a quiz.  This article is well worth a significant amount of study.

(1)  An artificial hip costs about $_____ in the United States.

(2)  In the United States, almost all hip and knee implants are made by ________ companies.

(3)  Generic or foreign-made joint implants are kept out of the United States in three ways which are ___________________________.

(4)  How do the five companies increase brand loyalty?

(5)  How is price secrecy maintained thus preventing more competition?

(6)  Up  to _______ layers of vendors are  physician and patient for a hip replacement often resulting in price _____________ at each layer.

(7)  What is the industry perspective on why prices are high?

(8)  According to an orthopedist quoted in the article:  "(Manufacturers)  price that way because the _________."

(9)  In Belgium, the government determines the __________ preventing manufacturers   from selling an implant at ____________.

(10)  True or False:  The pricing policies of the Belgian government eliminates competition and American firms have pulled out of the country.

(11)  What impact does shareholder expectations play upon hip implant pricing?

(12)  Advances in materials science now allows the patient's own bone to _________________.

(13)  Socialized medicine countries such as ________________ have more hip replacements performed per capita than the United States.

(14)  How do patents contribute to price rises?

(15)  Many doctors say that modifications, such as the "female knee" make ______________

(16)  Warsaw IN is the trademarked "__________."

(17)  How does research and development expenditures in the orthopedics industry compared with the pharmaceutical industry?

(18)  How does "building a personal relationship  with the doctor" play a role in sales?

(19)  True or False:  The United States has a lower surgical infection rate than the United States.

(20)  True or False:  Orthopedist salaries are similar in the United States and Belgium.

(21)  Assuming a insurance reimbursement rate of $36,000, the total cost for join replacement surgeries in 2020 is projected to be _______________ billion.

(22)  True or False:  Medicare negotiates with orthopedic manufacturers resulting in lower prices.

(23)  What have been some of the efforts at cost reduction retirement systems, hospitals, and the Affordable Care Act?

(24)  What has been the political reaction to the tax on profits under the ACA to recoup some medical device manufacturers profits?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Stakes Raised For Smaller Hospitals As The Big Get Bigger

The Big Squeeze:  CHS-HMS Merger Tightens The Vise On Independent Hospitals by Beth Kutscher.  August 3, 2013.

(1)  The proposed merger between Community Health Systems and Health Management Associaties would create _____________________.

(2)  Smaller, independent, not-for-profit facilities are increasingly driven toward ____________
to achieve the same __________________________.

(3)  A large hospital system is in a better position to ______________ giving it more leverage ___________________.

(4)  Mergers allow the building of networks which increases the entry ____________________.

(5)  Martin Gaynor, professor economics at Carnegie Mellon, indicates that there is strong evidence that hospital consolidation ___________________.

(6)  A key factor identified by one hospital executive is getting hospital _____________ in line with _______________________>

Melatonin Cycles Brought Into Sync With Light Exposure In Camping Experience

Carry On Camping--Can A Week Under Canvas Reset Our Body Clocks?  by Matt McGrath.  BBC News--Science &Environment.

(1)  Normally melatonin ________ before we go to sleep, _________  through the night until we wake up.

(2)  Modern lighting practices have tended to ______________.

(3)  By bring melatonin cycles and sleep into sync, the researchers found, that the amount of exposure to sunlight increased by ___________%

Friday, August 2, 2013

3-D Simulation Technology Provides Diverse Exposure To Surgical Residents

Novel 3-D Simulation Technology Helps Surgical Residents Train More Effectively.  Science Daily.  August 2, 2013.

(1)  The use of 3-D simulation will help residents effectively  manage surgical patients in ___________, _______________ and the ______________.

(2)  Before simulation training for surgical residents has been referred to as training by ___________.

Networks Of Gene Interactions May Be Key To Disease Understanding and Treatment

Genetics:  More Than Merely A Mutated Gene.  Science Daily.  August 1, 2013.

(1)  Subtle differences in an individual's genome, called the ______________, can also affect how mutations are manifest.

(2)  In fruit flies it was found that genetic background affected the outcomes of interactions between genetic mutations about ________ percent of the time.

(3)  The genetic background may help why some people benefit from ______________ while others do not.

$4 Billion Market For Gluten-Free Products Gets Uniform Definition

F.D.A. Sets Standard For Foods Labeled Gluten Free by Sabrina Tavernise.  The New York Times.  August 2, 2013.

(1)  Gluten is a composite of _________________ found in grassy grains like _______________.

(2)  When eaten by someone with celiac disease, gluten can trigger ___________________.

(3)  A standard is now urgent due to the rapid ________________.

(4)  To be labeled gluten free, the gluten limit is _______________.

(5)  True or False:  Gluten-free foods dramatically help weight loss.

(6)  Why does the gluten-free industry want such rules?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Breast-Feeding Rate Is On The Rise

CDC:  Breast-Feeding Rates Rise To 77 Percent Of U.S. Moms by Michelle Castillo.  CBS News.  August 1, 2013.

(1)  Babies who are breastfed have lower risks of _______________________________.

(2)  Mothers who breastfeed have lower risks of _______________ cancers.

(3)  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies are________________ for six months and given _______________________ for 1 year or longer.

(4)  Breast-fed babies have lower rates of _______________________________________________

(5)  There is some indication that breast-feeding may give the baby a boost in __________.

(6)  It is estimated that __________ billion in yearly medical costs could be saved if breastfeeding recommendations were met.

(7)  The increase in rates, the CDC said, may be in part because more hospitals are __________________________________.

(8)  _________ was the state with the most breast-feeding with ___________ being the state with the least.

Professional Organizations Issue First Guidelines For Sexual Activity After A Heart Attack

Detailed Guidelines On Sex After Heart Attack by Kounteya Sinha.  Times Of India.  August 1, 2013.

(1)  Doctors have reached a consensus that the ________ and _________ for sexual activity are important that patients with heart disease must not try sex in ________________.

(2)  Pathological analysis of the deaths of men occurring during sexual activity happened during ____________ activity.  ________ % of the deaths that occurred during sexual activity were men.

(3)  The increase in risk attributed to coitus was found to be far _____________________.

(4)  What are the reasons the recommendations suggest avoidance of anal sex until the cardiac condition is stabilized?