The Extraordinary Steps Health Care Providers Are Taking To Prepare For Climate Change by Katie Valentine. Think Progress. July 30, 2013.
(1) The hospital evacuations during Hurricane Sandy showed how ___________ the health care industry is to the effects of climate change.
(2) Evacuations along with warnings of intense ______________, increased incidences of ________ and __________ and expanding range of __________ have made health care professionals take notice of climate change.
(3) What are some of the ways that Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston is being "future-proofed?"
(4) True or False: Preparing hospitals for climate change is proving overwhelmingly expensive.
(5) Hospitals use ____________ energy per square foot as regular office buildings.
(6) About 200 hospitals across the country use ______________ to save up to 35 percent of its energy costs.
(7) The health care industry accounts for ________ of U.S. emissions, making it as large a contributor to climate change as _______________.
(8) True or False: The American Hospitals Associations does not have a position on climate change.
(9) The ________________ has 675 hospitals enrolled in an effort to make hospitals more environmentally-friendly.
(10) Under the Affordable Care Act, hospitals are, for the first time, mandated to do ____________ and align their care to ____________
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