Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Key To Dramatically Lower LDL Cholesterol Found In Genetic Mutation; Race For Drug Set Off

Rare Mutation Ignites Race For Cholesterol Drug by Gina Kolata.  The New York times.  July 9, 2013.

(1)  The three drug companies involved in the drug chase are _______________________.

(2)  Each of the three companies drug is a ________________, made in _____________.

(3)  In injectable form the drug may have a market of _______________;  In pill form, as many as _____________Americans may be candidates.

(4)  Heart diseases causes nearly ____________ death a year among Americans.

(5)  While the initial studies are promising, large scale studies are ______________.

(6)  The drugs tested thus far are injected __________________ once or twice a month.

(7)  The gene __________ leads to high LDL levels.

(8)  The disabled gene inherited from both parents resulted in____________________

(9)  Those with the mutated gene seemed almost immune to heart disease even with many risk factors including __________________________.


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