Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hospitals Begin To Plan To Confront The Possibility and Reality Of Gun Violence In the Hospital

California Hospital Workers Get Training In Surviving Shootings by Tina Susman.  The Los Angeles times.  July 16, 2013.

(1)  ________________ departments were the mot common site of hospital shootings between 2000-2011.  There were ____________ shootings inside U.S. hospitals with -________ on hospital grounds during that time period.

(2)  A Johns Hopkins study said that healthcare workers are  vulnerable with a rate of assault on them of _________ in 10,000 versus ______ in 10,000 for private sector workers.

(3)  Most of these shootings  tend ____________________ before law enforcement arrives.

(4)  Some of the factors cited in the rise of hospital shooting include __________________________,

(5)  What are the three options cited by an emergency preparedness expert that are open to hospital workers in the case of a shooter in a hospital?

(6)  If  a shooter enters a surgical suite, an expert cited in the article suggests that staff ________________.

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