Saturday, May 25, 2013

Calories: Counting And Context

What's In That Big Mac?  More Than You Think by Alexandra Sifferlin.  Time:  Health And Family.  May 24, 2013.

Read the article and answer the questions to improve retention.

(1)  Participants in the study recounted here consistently __________ how calorie dense their meals were.

(2)  Rank the accuracy of personal calorie consumption estimates  in these three groups (a)  kids, (b) adolescents, and (c) adults.

(3)  The more calories consumed the more the participants _______________ their consumption.

(4)  What was a proposed reason that Subway diners underestimated their calories consumed?

(5)  What is one reason that 2014 a significant year for restaurant menus?

(6)  What results does a 2011study of New York City consumers show about calorie information?

(7)  Fill in the blanks from a quotation:  If customers don't understand what 250 calories mean or how it ____________________________, posting that information on a menu ________________.

(8)  The New York study showed that those who read labels ___________________________.

(9)  Labels may compel food makers to _____________________________.

(10)  Emphasis on calorie numbers alone may backfire if calories are reduced by eliminating ________________.

(11)  True or False:  Healthy foods may sometimes contain more calories than unhealthy options.

(12)  When people ordered off menus that listed ______________________________
they ordered and consumed fewer calories.

(13)  Giving consumers a more _________ idea of what heir food choices mean may help ____________________________________.

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